12 Foods You Must Avoid When Taking Hydroxyurea

Foods to avoid when taking Hydroxyurea

Do you take hydroxyurea for medical reasons, such as sickle cell anemia or some type of cancer? And you are concerned about what foods to avoid when taking hydroxyurea? Due to potential impacts on how your body processes certain nutrients, there are several food items that could cause negative and potentially dangerous interactions with this … Read more

Is Strep Contagious with a Mask? Know the Truth

Is Strep Contagious with a Mask

Are you feeling under the weather and wondering if your strep throat is contagious while wearing a mask? Strep throat is highly contagious and can be especially dangerous if left untreated. Strep throat is one of those illnesses, though with modern medicine and preventative care steps, you can significantly lower your chances of getting sick … Read more

Vitamin D Magnesium and Turmeric Lemonade: Refreshing Recipe with Health Benefits

Vitamin D Magnesium and Turmeric Lemonade

Are you looking for an easy way to boost your health? Look no further than this Vitamin D Magnesium and Turmeric Lemonade! Not only is it delicious, but the mixture of vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants has a range of amazing health benefits that make it extremely beneficial, too. In this blog post, we’ll discuss … Read more

What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like? A Complete Guide

What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like

Are you wondering what diabetic poop smells like? As people with diabetes need to closely monitor their blood sugar levels, they often ask themselves questions like “What does diabetic poop smell like?” This question might seem strange if you’ve never had diabetes before, but it’s a legitimate concern for those living with diabetes. The truth … Read more

Michael V Epps Skin Condition: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Michael V Epps Skin Condition

Are you suffering from a condition known as Michael V Epps skin disorder? If so, you’re not alone because this skin disorder affects thousands of people every year. It is indicated by severe itching and tenderness accompanied by reddish-to-dark bumps. This debilitating condition can have both physical and emotional effects. In this blog post, we’ll … Read more

How Long Do Cut Gums Take To Heal?

Cut on Gums

The accidental cut on gums is very painful and uncomfortable. Mostly the victims of scratched gums are children, people who are more prone to accidents, and athletes.  A cut on your gums required proper attention and medical care or treatment for quick healing. You need to know how to treat a cut on gums by … Read more